Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Universal Housewares Pre-Seasoned Cast Iron Chicken Fryer

Universal Housewares Pre-seasoned Cast Iron Chicken Fryer
It's an OK product for frying but I have similar size Lodge Logic and Logic is thicker and more well made than this product. I will just use it for camping outdoors and keep my Lodge fryer in my kitchen. I suggest you buy Lodge Logic and you will be more happier trust me.

Somewhat better than a Lodge
I ruined my beloved Lodge Logic Chicken Fryer a few weeks back: I accidentally left it wet with the cover on, and it started to rust. As you may know, the Lodges are sand-cast resulting in a sort of pebbled surface all over. Attractive, but very hard to properly season into a flat mirror-like surface. But worse, if it rusts, it's very hard to get all the rust out of the little dimples without strong chemical help. To be honest, I just threw it out.

Enter the Universal Housewares Chicken Fryer. To start with, the surface is pretty much flat inside and out -- no pebbling. It's also slightly larger than the old Lodge, but it does seem to be made a little cruder than the Lodges (lid handle asymmetrical, a mere tab instead of a second handle).

It arrived, like many Cast Iron Skillets, with some sort of protective coating (probably wax-based). So I did have to wash it quickly with hot water and soap to get down to the actual factory seasoning. It sort of looked...

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